17 firefighters and 7 corporals take possession of their places

17 firefighters and 7 corporals take possession of their places

The Palacio de las Aulas, headquarters of the Diputación de Castellón, has hosted the act of taking possession of seventeen firefighter positions from the Diputación Fire Department and seven caporal promotions for another seven colleagues.

A ceremony presided over by the president of the Diputación, José Martí, and which was also attended by the deputy for firefighters, Abel Ibáñez, and representatives of the Consortium’s management.

Especially emotional has been the moment of the signature and speech of Belén Aguirrezabálaga, the only woman in this class. The new firefighter has highlighted that she has joined the Diputación Fire Department in the day of the commemoration of March 8, and has claimed the ability of women to be what they want without gender barriers.

The president of the Provincial Council, José Martí, has highlighted that the greatest value of the Consortium is its human capital. “You are the face of courage, solidarity and commitment to society”, he told them, and stated that the intention of the government team is to continue promoting the fire service with more resources, better infrastructures and better labor conditions.

Also in the same act, the promotion of seven firefighters to the rank of corporals was made official. Along with these changes, the Consortium’s has anounced plans to expand the workforce with three new officer positions, two management and contracting technicians and another communications operator.

It should be noted that the new firefighters and corporals have already worn their new corporate clothing, which incorporates the new emblem and nomenclature of the Consortium, which from now on will be known as Diputación de Castellón Fire Departament.