The Castellón Provincial Council reinforces the strength of the fire stations as a preventive measure against the risk of fires and high temperatures.
As reported by the deputy of the Consortium of Firefighters, David Vicente, “within the Special Plan against the risk of forest fires, the professional parks will be reinforced as we find ourselves in the period of greatest risk of forest fires.”
Thus, from now until September 30, professional fire stations that, while in minimum services, have activated pre-emergency level 3 of forest fires in their operational area, will be reinforced.
Likewise, within the reinforcement for the prevention of forest fires, incorporated three forestry foremen and a forestry technician.
All of these additions add to the device already activated for the campaign forestry of this year through which the fire department of Diputación coordinates a global device for the entire province of 750 troops, both media owned by the Consortium as well as those assigned by the Generalitat Valenciana, among them five aerial means.
Every day, the device has 220 troops, including professional firefighters, volunteer firefighters, the Machinery and Logistics Unit, Civil Protection Volunteers from the Provincial Council, and GVA forest firefighters. A device that does not let its guard down, especially in the summer months, for which reason the deputy David Vicente has called for responsibility and has asked the public to “exercises caution as the risk of forest fires is very high” during the summer months. Also remember that 112 is always operational “and in the event of any outbreak of fire you must notify so that the firefighters can act as quickly as possible.”